Aerobics Cardio Information

A Cardio Snobs Workout

As I peruse the pages of various holiday issues of my favorite fitness/womens magazines I notice many articles about the benefits of practicing yoga at this stressful time of year. At the risk of sounding like a cardio snob, if I have 30 minutes a day (if I'm lucky) and i have to get into a special outfit in about a month and a half. I am not spending that 30 minutes taking cleansing breaths and stretching.

Don't get me wrong, if you exercise regulary year round you can absolutely benefit from a yoga class 1 maybe 2 times a week. However, if you are now just starting a routine in hopes of fitting into a size 8, then mama get ready to sweat. Here is the routine I recommend.

Pick 3 (or at least 2) cardio activities to save you from burnout (see list below).

Perform 1 of these activities at least 30 minutes (45 or 60 minutes if your schedule allows) 4 times a week. This should include a 3-5 min warmup and 3-5 min cool down (you can stretch while you wait in the deli line).

Perform strength training moves using free weights, stability ball or nautilus machines for 30 minutes (preferably 45 or 60 mins) 2 times a week. This should include 3-5 min warm up and 3-5 mins stretching. Make sure to concentrate on whatever body part will be exposed (arms, back, calves, legs, get the point).

Do remember, after this routine kicks you into gear and gets you into your holiday outfit... CONTINUE!!! You can add wonderful activities like yoga, kick boxing, pilates, meditation and the benefits will be: a strong body, a beautiful posture, tons of energy and a radiant glow. But for now you just need to get into that halter dress!

Cardio options:



treadmill work

elliptical trainer


aerobics and/or kick boxing

bike riding

roller blading

stair climber

About The Author

Valerie is mother of 2 and co-founder of a website devoted to helping mothers rediscover their favorite hobbies like travel, fitness and girls night out.


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